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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Places to list BJJ Gear for sale in the Secondary Market & How To List, Sell & Ship Your BJJ Gear

The purpose of this blog is twofold. The first section is dedicated to answering "WHERE" you can buy/trade/sell your BJJ Gear online. Then we try and and answer the "HOW" to not only buy/trade/sell online, but protect yourself in doing so. WHERE To Buy/Sell/Trade Online There are a few websites and several Facebook groups that you might want to consider...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Philosophy on why there are few available older batches of CTRL and Shoyoroll in the Secondary Market.

At some point in time Shoyoroll began to take off in popularity and a secondary market was created. That was before my time so I can't say when that happened. For CTRL however it happened between the drop of the Consigliere and Journeyman in early 2014. Consigliere CTRL's Consigliere, a production of 200 units, dropped on January 1st, 2014. And...

Facebook Group: BJJ New Gear - About and Rules Of Conduct

Lately there has been some lively debate, some of which has turned ugly, in the BJJ New Gear group ("Group") revolving around negative comments being made about posts there. So it is time to address this issue in detail. And I'm doing so here and now. First, we should visit some of the "About" language that describes the Group's objective. So...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tagging Your Friends in the BJJ New Gear Group

Thank you. I sent you the link to this blog post because you tagged someone in BJJ New Gear who is not a member of the Group, and therefore cannot see your tag. So this will help you understand both why that is and how to fix it. Let us first start off with understanding what types of groups there are in Facebook. The options are as follows: **...

Monday, August 18, 2014

A Forger in Pakistan to Avoid

Because of my activities as the founder/main admin for the BJJ New Gear page and group on Facebook, I get inquiries from manufacturers all the time. And I mean ALL THE TIME. Some want to just post in the group (which I really do not allow), and others want me to buy and/or promote some of their products.  What disturbs me most is that many offer...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Advice From A Trademark & Copyright Attorney & My Own Personal Experience

In the year or so since I started the BJJ New & Upcoming Gear Opportunities group (and sister page) in the Fall of 2013 on Facebook (BJJ New Gear for short), I have noticed a startling number of what can only be described as trademark, copyright and wordmark infringements by scores of people making BJJ clothing and gear. Now some of these are...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Advice on purchasing a USED kimono

Like me do you often debate on whether to purchase a used kimono or a new one? Well I have discovered that I actually prefer buying a used kimono to roll in than I do a new one. Part of that feeling is driven by my phobia against popping the cherry of a virgin gi, and part of it is driven by the financial savings that can be had in buying used vs....

How to shrink your kimono

Some of you like to shrink your kimonos to a perfect fit. So if you have done it already then you probably do not need to read any further. But if you have not, here are some tips. First you should know that even in cold water your kimono will shrink from 3% to 4% on average after the first wash alone, and then probably some more over the next few...

A PayPal experience you must read....and an alternative to PayPal with ZERO FEES.

I have had quite a bit of experience (not all good) using PayPal lately, and wanted to share that with my friends so that you do not have to go through what I did (or potentially WORSE). Like many of us who buy and sell gis in the secondary BJJ market, I use PayPal to both purchase (send funds) and sell (receive funds) when buying and selling gis....



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