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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell

Executive Summary

Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell
(“Drama Free”)


To once-and-for-all have a safe, professional Facebook group and Instagram page dedicated to the purpose of buying, trading and selling YOUR Shoyoroll gis and gear. New or used, it doesn't matter as long as it is authentic.

Shoyoroll Drama free is primarily a transactional group for you to buy, trade and sell your own Shoyoroll gis and gear. We discourage other types of posts and prefer that socializing be done somewhere else. Of course, occasional friendly banter in comments of your friends' posts is fine.

"Shout-outs" to other Drama Free members with pictures of purchased or traded gear are encouraged. Those are positive messages bought about by a mutually-satisfactory experience.

Admin will also post information on upcoming Shoyoroll drops for all members to see.


GUMA members can and are encouraged to have a “ghost” account to sell their items in Drama Free so that the true identity of GUMA members will remain anonymous. Drama Free has guidelines for setting up such an accommodation for GUMA members.


Drama Free is a zero-tolerance, professional group that will never, ever put up with any of the unbelievably childish, rude, abusive, immature and down right mean behavior that is prevalent in the other Shoyoroll buy/trade/sell groups.

There will be NO: Drama, Hate, Disrespect, Trolls, Negativity or Poaching allowed in Shoyoroll Drama Free EVER.


Only AUTHENTIC Shoyoroll items.

Categories - For Sale (FS), In Search Of (ISO), and For Trade (FT).

For Sale (FS) Options - Set a fixed price, Set a target price with “OBO,” Sell privately (“PM your offers”), and Auctions will all be allowed. Each will have standards/guidelines for posting so that the group maintains a consistency and makes it easy for buyers to buy and sellers to sell, and in doing so is done with respect and fairness to all members.

For detailed information on Posting in Shoyoroll Drama Free, click here.


The primary ways to get kicked out of the Facebook group and/or blocked from the Instagram page include:
  • Making negative or derogatory comments under someone’s post.
  • Failing to keep to our policy of: What happens in Drama-Free, stays in Drama-Free. In other words, anyone that joins just to spy for the hate groups will be found out and booted.
  • Screwing someone over in a deal. This can take many forms so we really do not want to try and detail every nuance of what this means. However if everyone simply abides by the old addage that we should all “treat others as you want to be treated,” then no one will have any worries.
  • Selling or promoting to sell FAKE Shoyoroll gis or gear.


Drama Free is primarily a transactional group. It is definitely not an opinion group. Everyone is safe to post their goods without the fear of the bullying and ridicule that many people suffer in the other Shoyoroll groups. There will be NO egos permitted here, NO drama permitted here…and NO bullies here either. That sort of bullshit may be tolerated and even encouraged in the other groups, but not in Shoyoroll Drama Free. Never. There is a ZERO tolerance policy toward hate, trolls, and negative comments.

If you have Instagram, please follow us there:


If you are on Facebook, please join our group. Simply click here to request membership.
And for those of you who want to read more about Shoyoroll Drama Free, the inspiration behind the group and the guidelines, please keep reading. You will find that all below.

Shoyoroll Secondary Market Group
Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell 
(“Drama Free”)


The purpose of Drama Free is to once-and-for-all have a safe, professional Facebook group and Instagram page dedicated to the purpose of buying, trading and selling YOUR Shoyoroll gis and gear. It’s that simple. No more and no less. There will be no drama, hate or negativity toward any members, their posts, their prices, or their comments permitted. This is a zero-tolerance, professional group that will never, ever put up with any of the unbelievably childish, rude, abusive, immature and oftentimes downright mean behavior that other buy/trade/sell groups not only allow, but seem to encourage.

Shoyoroll Drama free is primarily a transactional group for you to buy, trade and sell your own Shoyoroll gis and gear. We discourage other types of posts and prefer that socializing be done somewhere else. Of course, occasional friendly banter in comments of your friends' posts is fine, as well as posting a "Shout Out" to a fellow member for a mutually satisfactory transaction. We encourage that type of post. We just want to avoid scores of off-topic comments under a members post that turn into something other than the purpose of the post. Basically, it distracts from the intended transaction and therefore is not desirable.


Since GUMA (and Uber GUMA, collectively “GUMA” herein) are such a large and valuable part of the Shoyoroll community as a whole, Drama Free wants to encourage their participation with our group. Because of Shoyoroll’s strict (and unfair by all accounts) policy against GUMA members selling gis and gear on-line (or at least that’s how it’s been presented…but it’s selectively enforced), we at Drama Free have come up with a plan whereby GUMA members can actively and openly participate in Drama Free without fear of retribution from Shoyoroll on this overly oppressive policy.

To start with, GUMA members can and are encouraged to have a “ghost” account to sell their items in Drama Free so their true identity can remain anonymous.

Before these “ghost” accounts are let into Drama Free, they must first register with our Admin so that we know who is really behind each ghost account. Admin will need to confirm the following:
  • Full name
  • Full address
  • Phone number
  • Email address (not the one for the Ghost Account, a legit one.)
  • Real FB or Instagram account
This information shall be kept in confidence with the Admin and only used by Admin to contact the person behind the ghost account in the event something goes sideways in a deal and the ghost account is disabled or unresponsive.

Under no circumstances will this information EVER be given to a third party, including (and especially) any representative of Shoyoroll, unless the account holder abuses the account and screws a group member over, or that account is used to troll in the group.


No Drama
This is Rule #1. No drama, no hate, no trolls EVER or the offending party is OUT immediately and FOREVER. Zero tolerance. No warning. S/he is just BANNED for good. Life is too short and no one needs this kind of bullshit.

98% of the fans and followers of the Shoyoroll brand (ShoyoFans) are great people. But that 2% seems to make it their calling in life to ruin it for everyone else. We won’t let that happen in Drama Free.

Maintain Privacy Of Fellow Members
Anyone sharing information gained from the Drama Free group with non-members are subject to being immediately banned from Drama Free. So, as the saying goes:

What happens in Drama Free, Stays in Drama Free.


ALL posts must be approved by Admin.

Items Allowed
Shoyoroll and Shoyoroll items only. Gis, rash guards, hats, patches, stickers, etc., it doesn’t matter. As long it is an authentic Shoyoroll item, then it can be sold, traded or bought in the group.

  • For Sale
  • ISO (In Search Of, Looking For, Wanting to buy, etc.)
  • For Trade
That pretty much covers it. Drama free is a focused group for buying, selling and trading Shoyoroll gear. Non-transactional posts are discouraged, other than a "shout out" on completed deals. Those posts signal the conclusion of a mutually-satisfactory transaction and are encouraged.

Category Detail
For Sale - Pretty much all options are open and up to the seller.
  • Set a fixed price. (“For Sale, $350 + s/h”) 
  • Set a target price with “OBO” (“For Sale, $400 OBO”)
  • Sell privately if you wish: “PM your offers”  (“For Sale, PM your offer to me directly”)
  • Sell via Auction. 
In an Auction, the seller sets the:
  • Duration
  • Start price
  • Incremental bids ($10 or $5 or $50…up to the seller)
Here is a brief example: For Sale – Auction Style. Start Price is $250. Bid below in the comments section. Each successive bid should be at least $10 more than the previous bid. Auction ends at 11:59 PM PST on July 4, 2015”

For a more detailed discussion on posting in Shoyoroll Drama Free, click here. 


Our philosophy is grounded in the fact that YOU own the item, and therefore YOU should be able to determine the terms and method of sale that is acceptable to you. However, once you set your path and announce it to the group, you need to abide by it. In other words, if a seller offers an item for sale at a fixed price (say $300 + shipping) and s/he gets an offer equal to that amount, then she needs to accept that offer. Full price offers should not be "shopped" around and a seller can’t wait and hope his “buddy” comes in with a higher offer. A seller simply needs to take the first offer that meets the stated price and conditions (if any) and work honestly toward completing the transaction. In other words, sellers should not play favorites pegging one member against another. That's simply unfair.

Also, if later someone PM’s a seller with a better offer, he must stick to the original deal if it has been accepted. There is no pulling the rug out from under a buyer once a deal has been agreed to. However, there is no harm in taking names for a backup offer in case the first one goes south. But a member can’t kick another member to the curb in the middle of a deal unless the $ or terms have changed as a result of actions taken by the buyer.

We’ve also witnessed auction sales whereby a minimum bid was established by the seller. And when only one bid came in (which in this case was equal to said Seller-established minimum or starting bid) the seller refused to sell the gi. This is unacceptable and grounds for immediate banishment from the group.

So, every seller is allowed to choose his method of sale and structure the sale to meet his desire. And in doing so, the seller is then obligated to abide by the method, rules, pricing and structure that he has established and promoted to the other members of the group. It is that simple.


Admin recommends addressing ALL of the following in all Sale posts at a minimum.
  • Photographs. If it's BNIB, then the reality is that you don't need many pics. But if it's USED, then a seller is encouraged to provide LOTS of pics so the buyers can determine condition. 
  • Basics such as size and condition of course. 
  • If selling USED, then basic measurements are required. It takes all of 10 minutes and will keep sellers from having to deal with an unhappy buyer who bought a shrunken gi that doesn't fit him. We have some graphics to use as a guideline if needed. 
  • Where the gi will be shipped from - (USA, California) for example.
  • Who is paying for shipping costs and PayPal fees. It’s best to identify these up front.
  • Any limits on where you will ship to. Some people do not want to ship internationally, and if that’s the case, let everyone know up front in your post.
  • What type of payment(s) are acceptable. Common ones are PayPal, Venmo and Google Wallet. Facebook has a new payment system also, and of course there is Bitcoin and good old Western Union. If you will accept checks and cash in the mail, there are those options as well. I've done both successfully.

In Search Of (ISO)
For buyers (In Search Of, or “ISO” posts), please always start your post with: “ISO”, so sellers with lots of gis to sell can easily search for buyers looking. They can just use the group’s search function and search for those three letters. The alternative of: “Looking for…” or “In Search Of…” or, “I’d like to find…,” or other terms may work, but will keep your post from coming up in a seller’s “ISO” search. So let’s all use that simple acronym for all posts whereby you are looking to buy or trade for a gi or other item. ISO, ISO, ISO.

There are some basic criteria that buyers should seriously consider putting in your ISO posts. These will help narrow down the number of responses that he gets to (hopefully) only those that meet his stated criteria. It will also save all the sellers time because they won’t be sending out lots of information on and lists of items that do not meet these basic criteria (because the buyer failed to identify that criteria in his post).

For example:
  • State what size(s) are being sought.
  • What batch or batches are desired (or are NOT desired)
  • A price range, if working within a budget
  • If only BNIB is desired or if used is acceptable, and
  • What area of the world it needs to be shipped to. This is only fair to know because international shipping is not only more expensive, but some people just don’t want to deal with the customs forms to make it happen.
Admin strongly discourages and will likely not allow to post any overly generic posts such as:

“Looking for A2 BNIB, what you got? PM a list….”

That type of post may get a lot of responses, but it is far better if the poster is more specific than that. It is also unfair to all the people who are spending time getting their lists together and sending them to the prospective buyer when their A2 BNIB gis do not meet the prospective buyers' criteria for one reason or another THAT HE HAS FAILED TO MENTION in the post.

If a buyer has specific batches in mind that he wants to purchase, then he should list what they are. Alternatively, if he do NOT want specific batches, let everyone know that as well (e.g., “No Comps” or “No Absolutes or SGT’s.”)

If there is a price range in mind, that should be stated as well. There is nothing worse than someone who posts:

“Wanted, BNIB White Mamba, A2” and then you PM them with one that you have, only to find out they won’t pay more than $200 when the market is $700 or more. Hey, it’s a free country, so anyone can feel free to be as unrealistic as he wants to. But he should just let everyone know up front so there are not twenty people wasting their time taking photos and replying to a post when the buyer wants to purchase a BNIB rarity at less than 1/3rd of market value.

Basically, these type of posts are a waste of everyone's time. So it is strongly encouraged that buyers do their  homework first, before asking hundreds of people to do it for them.

For Trade (FT)
If you have something to trade (FT), state not only what you have (and be detailed) but what you are looking for.
  • Batch
  • Condition
  • Photos of your gi that you own and want to trade
  • Size (of both what you have and what you want)
And be aware that many trade posts are unclear as to which gi you HAVE and which one you WANT. For example, I’ve seen the following type of post. Try and figure out which gi the seller HAS and which he is ISO:

BNIB A2 Americana for BNIB A2 Ring?

Please, the bottom line is this…the more information that you provide up front, and the clearer and more detailed the post is, then the easier it will be for people to identify whether or not they have something that you might want, and if you have something that they want in trade.
A better post for the above example would be:

FT, I have a BNIB A2 Ring and am ISO a BNIB A2 Americana for a straight trade. 
If you have an Americana and are interested, please PM me. Thanks.

Now, isn’t that much clearer? And it took all of 15 seconds to type. The more time invested in clarifying what you want up front, will save you 10x's that in replying to people who don't understand the post.

Oh, one more comment on trades. Please be aware that every gi does NOT have the same value. Hell, I had one guy actually want to make a straight trade (which means gi-for-gi with no $’s involved), where he had a Rebel (I think it was) and wanted my Illest. And then he had the audacity to publicly post that I was “playing games” when I told him he’d have to add some $ to the deal to make that trade happen.

Comments On Posts
There will be NO negative comments allowed on any post. NONE. This includes seemingly innocuous comments such as: “Price is too high,” or ANYTHING similar which might negatively impact the sale.

This is a SALE group, not an opinion group. Negative opinions are not permitted on your or anyone else's posts. Again, do onto others....

No Poaching
There is ABSOLUTELY NO Poaching of Posts/Threads.

If a member posts: “ISO an A1L Rio Koi, BNIB” then others should NOT comment… “ too” or “I am looking for an A2 if anyone has one”…That is poaching and it’s disrespectful to all fellow member (who took the time to make the post). Poachers may or may not be warned before being banned from the group. But for sure, any chronic poacher will be booted.

It’s the seller’s gi to sell, and it is NOT ANYONE ELSES PLACE to judge his asking price. Anyone doing so will be banned from the group immediately.


Some basics to selling are important and will be enforced.
  • Condition: BNIB or Used. If “used” then a detailed description is needed of the condition and any stains, holes, rips, smells, etc., AND many photos are needed. Measurements are also encouraged. And please sellers should BE HONEST about the shrinkage of the gi. I’d say a full 50% of the used gis that I have purchased for my own use DID NOT FIT because they were shrunk. That is unacceptable. Provide measurements and BE HONEST.
  • Size
  • Shipping & Payment: How shipping will be handled. Any restrictions. Who pays. How much. And what methods of payment a seller will accept/will take.


  • Making negative or derogatory (e.g.., troll) comments under someone’s post.
  • Failing to keep to our policy of: What happens in Drama-Free, stays in Drama-Free.  In other words, people that are just here just to spy for the hate groups will be found out and booted.
  • Screwing someone over in a deal. This can take many forms, so we really can’t detail what this means. 
  • Promoting to sell or selling FAKE Shoyoroll items.
This isn't rocket science. All we expect of all of the members is to simply “treat others as you want to be treated. ” If we all do this, then no one will have any worries.


Drama Free is primarily a transaction group. It is definitely NOT an opinion group. Everyone is safe to post their goods without the fear of the bullying and ridicule that many of you suffer in the other SYR groups. There will be NO egos permitted here, NO drama permitted here…and NO bullies here either. That sort of bullshit may be tolerated and even encouraged in the other groups, but not here. Never.  There is a ZERO tolerance policy toward hate, trolls, and negative comments.


The Facebook group can be found at the below link. Feel free to request membership.

Not all that apply will be accepted. Most shall be, but not all. The same goes for our Instagram page which can be found at:


If you are respectful and serious about your passion for Shoyoroll, we welcome you.

All types are welcome, no matter if you are a collector, trader, reseller or just a fan, please join.

Please know that we are serious about Drama Free and we will not put up with any bullshit.

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