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Monday, November 23, 2015

Shoyoroll Drama Free

Welcome to the homepage for Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade & Sell. This shall serve as an natural access point for all people interested in knowing more about this exciting project. From here you can easily navigate to other blog posts that have been made to address, in detail, specific aspects of Shoyoroll Drama Free. But first, what is...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Shoyoroll Drama Free Instagram

Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell("Drama Free")on Instagram LOCATION @ShoyorollDramaFree BRIEF HISTORY Shoyoroll Drama Free was first launched on Facebook in the Fall of 2015 as a group who's purpose was to provide a safe, friendly environment for all ShoyoFans to sell, buy and trade...

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Bumping Guidelines for Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell

Bumping Guidelines For Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell "Drama Free" ***************** Note, if you want to better understand what "bumping" is, scroll to the BOTTOM of this post first. ***************** Everyone shall be allowed to bump their posts ONCE PER WEEK ON A SPECIFIC DAY of the week according to the below schedule. Utilizing...



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