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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Posting Items FOR SALE in Drama Free

Posting Shoyoroll ItemsIn the Drama FreeFacebook Group I'll try and keep this as short and simple as possible. These are the guidelines/recommendations for posting your Shoyoroll gis and gear for sale (or trade) in Drama Free. SHARING vs. POSTING When you "share" a post from one group (say "XYZ" group) into other groups like Drama Free, or...

Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell

Executive Summary Shoyoroll Drama Free Buy, Trade and Sell (“Drama Free”) PURPOSE To once-and-for-all have a safe, professional Facebook group and Instagram page dedicated to the purpose of buying, trading and selling YOUR Shoyoroll gis and gear. New or used, it doesn't matter as long as it is authentic. Shoyoroll Drama free is primarily...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wolfhound Fightwear’s Dabilla Series 2.0 550gsm Gold Weave BJJ Gi

Date:   October 18, 2015 Reviewer: Doug Pothul Subject Item: Wolfhound Fightwear’s Dabilla Series 2.0 550gsm Gold Weave BJJ Gi Summary The Dabilla Series 2.0 gi is IBJJF legal and comprised of a 550 gsm gold weave, partially sublimated jacket with 10 oz. ripstop pants (with gold weave gusset and pearl weave knee padding)....

Sunday, October 4, 2015

DogGi - Interview

BSP Date: September 28, 2015 What is the name of your brand(s)?  DogGi When & where was it founded, and where is it currently headquartered?  It was founded over a year ago in Philadelphia and now its current location is Florida Who are the founders/current owners?  DogGi was invented by me, Guto Braga, and I am the sole...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

LEaO OPTiCS - Interview

BSP Date: September 28, 2015 What is the name of your brand(s)? LEaO OPTiCS When & where was it founded, and where is it currently headquartered? We were founded in 2015 and located in Oceanside CA Who are the founders/current owners? The founders and owners are husband and wife Lionel Turner & Jemelee Turner Is there any significance...



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