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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hail Mary Reviews - Interview HMR x GIfather

This interview is posted at the below link, but I'm putting it here in its entirety just in case the link becomes dead at some point. Interview HMR x GIfather Posted on May 6, 2014 by Hail Mary Reviews Today, I have a very different sort of interview set up. I am interviewing one of the nicest dudes from the Aloha state...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Reviewing Kimonos....worth reading before you leap into doing so.

Like many who venture down this path, I thought that being a "reviewer" of BJJ gis and gear would be fun and I would end up with a ton of new gear coming in on a regular basis. Well, while I am happy that I gave it a try and I learned quite a bit in my short venture down this path, I quickly discovered that I was not cut out for this in the long term. For...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

BJJ New Gear - New Wall and Logo Project

We are in the process of designing a new Wall for the BJJ New Gear Facebook group. We just had a logo designed (see below), thanks to Katherine Sak Johnson. She's also designing the Wall. Newly designed BJJ New Gear logo by Katherine Sak Johnson.  The Wall is something that we would like you to be involved with. What we imagine is a collage...

Posting in BJJ New Gear

If you have come across this post on your own, great. But if it is via a link that was PM'ed to you by someone else, it means that you have submitted a post to BJJ New Gear that is NOT going to be approved because it does not meet the minimum requirements for posting in the group. So please take a minute and review the below basics, modify your post...

Monday, September 15, 2014

BJJ Belts

There are many philosophies on belts. Should they be: long or short? thin or thick? wide or narrow? stiff or floppy? and so on. And while most if not all of the BJJ kimono manufacturers (over 200 of them at last count, both big and small), carry their own line of belts, they are obviously not difficult to find. The purpose of this post is intended...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

How to Tell an Authentic From a Fake Shoyoroll

The absolute best way to make sure you get an authentic Shoyoroll gi is to purchase from Shoyoroll directly. But of course that means you can't buy any of the older classics that many people desire. Plus, even scoring one at the drop is a chore in itself many times. The second best thing is to purchase in the secondary market from a reputable...

Monday, September 1, 2014

ABOUT the Facebook Group : BJJ New & Upcoming Gear Opportunities (aka, BJJ New Gear)

BJJ New Gear, as we call it for short, has both a Page and a Group on Facebook. The Page is reserved for special events, sales, promotions, and to hold the Groups' ongoing discount codes given to us from various Brand Owner Members. That way these items are easy to locate and do not get lost in the overwhelm of new gear that is added to the Group...



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