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Monday, March 30, 2015

VHTS "Be Water" Kimono Giveaway

Welcome to BJJ New Gear's blog. Feel free to poke around a bit if you like. As far as the contest for the VHTS "Be Water" gi...well you made it this far and you are almost done with the scavenger hunt for this Giveaway. Here is the VHTS size chart. Check it out and determine which size kimono fits you best. Then go back to the original post...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Where to get a CUSTOM MADE BJJ kimono

Some people just have a hard time finding a gi that fits their body type. Maybe your arms or legs are shorter or longer than "normal" (if there truly is a "normal"), or you are extra tall, heavy or muscular. In any case, for a significant percentage of the population it is difficult to find a cut of gi from any brand that fits properly. Well,...



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